nesting mode
My cousin (who is due with her first child about three weeks after us) has been posting for weeks about nesting. I’ve been impressed by her energy – the amount of stuff she’s been able to free herself of via craigslist, getting rooms painted, furniture in place. She’ll be ready for her baby next week, it seems. 🙂
Us? Not so much. Well, maybe my husband has been ready to get rooms ready. I just admit that I’m lazy.
This weekend I have finally felt like how I imagine Erin feels. Smothered by so. much. stuff. I’m happy to say that the closet I’ve been avoiding for weeks is now free and clear of my junk, and I have several boxes of junk ready for our yard sale next weekend. Anything that doesn’t leave the driveway via the yard sale can be found at the Goodwill later that day.
Oh, and I have to admit yet again that I’m a fabric-holic. I just found so many remnants of fabric that I don’t even LIKE anymore! They’re all going away. Next weekend.
The curtains left over from my days working in the draperies department at JCPenney? No longer needed. The cute Classic Pooh accessories I bought on clearance “just in case”? Craigslist then yard sale (the packages haven’t been opened, and I realized tonight that they’re pretty girly. If I think I can make them work in the next 24 hours, I’ll let you know.)
I finally found my cleaning groove. And, of course, it’s time to go to bed.
My nesting never came at a good appropriate hour. It was annoying. I always wanted to do it at 10 o’clock at night. Any other time during the day i was just exhausted.
I would like to incorporate your photo of the Biltmore Draft Horses in a wine label contest. It would probably be altered to appear textured. Please email me at if you would permit this use. Thank you!