New baby…new car?

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This post is a collaboration with Four Seasons Ford. While I have been compensated for my time, all opinions are my own.

When we turned our son’s car seat to be forward facing, we knew we would soon run out of space. My husband’s car is so small. When we learned we were expecting a second child, there was a moment of panic – how would we even transport this baby? As it is, we’re cramped in the vehicles we own. We had every intention of making our next car purchase over the holidays, but life got in the way.

However, I can’t complain about life. Nor can I complain about the deal that Four Seasons Ford in Hendersonville has going on starting next week. (We’ll get to that deal in a moment.) Getting a new car is never as straight forward as you hope it’s going to be either; not only do you have to find the car you want at a good price, you also have to get rid of the old one. 


In my perfect world, my family would have a stylish car (I’d hate to jinx myself and say we’ll never, ever have a minivan, but I am going to avoid it at all costs.) We need space. I want leg room in the back seat, but I also want space in the trunk to hold groceries and diaper bags. The vehicle has to be safe and get good gas mileage. 

Now. We’re all aware of a football game taking place this weekend, right? Being from North Carolina, it would be wrong of me to not pull for the Carolina Panthers. Well, now I’ll be rooting for them even more. For every point they score on Sunday, Four Seasons Ford will multiply that by $50 – for a total discount off the purchase of a new Black, Silver or Blue Ford vehicle. And honestly, those are all great colors (though I’m partial to silver because that’s the color of my current car.)


Say for instance, the Panthers score 35 points on Sunday, Four Seasons Ford will reduce the price by $1750. Not a bad deal considering you probably aren’t playing in that game this weekend. Can we all hope for a high scoring game? I know there are many who would benefit from this Carolina Nation Celebration.


This deal is good February 8-29, 2016 and is not associated with the NFL or the Carolina Panthers. Connect with Four Seasons Ford of Hendersonville on Facebook and Twitter!

Will you be watching football this weekend? What’s your favorite part of the game?

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  1. I used to always say we would never have a mini-van either. We did for about 5 years and I have to say we loved it. We no longer have one, but those baby years, it was a life saver.

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