New York or bust (part 2)
Where did we leave off? Oh yeah, dinner. Dinner on Friday night was good (how can you visit New York and NOT have pizza??)
So Saturday morning we were up for breakfast with my grandma, aunt and my grandma’s brother. It’s been quite some time since we’ve seen my uncle Eli, and I got just a couple of photos in this diner. (Jane’s Diner for anyone in the Binghamton area. It was good, the service was great, and it’s not a place that I would normally find myself in. So glad we went there on my great uncle’s recommendation.)
My grandma and her brother.
And with the baby.
By the way, everywhere we went to eat (usually at a restaurant), we gave the baby food – usually puffs or cantaloupe – to keep him occupied. We have another trip scheduled, and my goal is to avoid the puffs. Too many can make for a cranky baby, I’ve learned.
We went to my cousin Erin’s on Saturday afternoon for a cookout and gathering with my dad’s side of the family. There were five of us grandkids growing up (we spent many summers on my grandma’s farm together), and with the exception of my brother, we all of have kids now. My cousin Erin and I had our boys two days apart last August, and this was the first time for most everyone to meet Lucas.
My cousin Carrie, and Erin’s son.
My grandma and my brother.
My aunt Sue and her granddaughter.
After the cookout, we went back to our hotel (we stayed in a suite – it had a bedroom, a loft, a sofabed, two bathrooms, kitchen and dining area. It was perfect!) We invited people over to the hotel to spend time with us, so we could hopefully get Lucas to bed at a decent time, but still spend time with family.
There was a decent amount of pool time before bedtime, and then the last of our family members left around 11:00! We had to be up around 5:30 the next morning so we could get on the road.
(And one day soon I’ll have an update about how we spent Father’s Day when we weren’t in the car!)
Wonderful blog……Thanks for all the pictures, they’re priceless!!!!! Aunt Linda