next up, Chapel Hill
We’re heading to Chapel Hill in a few minutes. It should take us about 4 hours to get there (less if we don’t stop on our way out of town.)
My father-in-law is having surgery tomorrow for thyroid cancer. They’ll be removing the thyroid and lymph nodes the cancer has spread to. I’ll be working out of the hospital (got all set up on a laptop on Friday. This should be more than interesting.)
I’ll blog. Hopefully with pictures. Chloe is going to be lonely for the next 72 or so hours. She has no idea that we’re leaving. She’s currently passed out in my office chair, as I stand here and type.
So, next up for us? Chapel Hill. Hope you’re having a great weekend!!
Jaime, Kenny and family: Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you in the coming days. Please keep in touch….Love, Aunt Linda