not a photogenic year

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I decided to go ahead and order our Christmas cards today. I really love Snapfish, and our cards last year (I thought) were pretty fantastic. Of course, this time last year, we had only been married a month and we had a TON of great photos to choose from!

This past year hasn’t been the best picture year for the husband and I. We have lots of self-portraits (I’m good at the self-portraits), but no really *great* pictures.

I managed to find one that we both liked, and ordered the cards through Snapfish. I will hopefully pick them up this evening or tomorrow morning, and I can begin addressing them this weekend. Maybe I’ll get the cards mailed out the week we move into the new house.

My goal is to at least have them out by New Year’s 🙂

Now, if you have an ebates account, you should check out their Black Friday specials. I’m getting about $5 back on our cards because they doubled the percentage back that we’re getting.

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