now isn’t the time.
I’m sick. Not sick enough that I can’t get out of bed and drag myself to work, but I have this cold (I think) thing going on, and it’s throwing me for a loop.
Especially when we have so much to do. And I don’t get a day off until Sunday.
And there is so much stuff to be packed in our apartment, with only two weeks to go.
Oh, and I figured out our internet problems last night. During Charter’s “outage” there was apparently some sort of surge that killed our modem. Lucky for me, my mom no longer has Charter services, so I was able to snag her old modem and we’re back online.
Am I the only one who can’t believe that Thanksgiving is one week from today?
What is it about colds? I’ve been feeling one coming on for days and yesterday I was in a cloud all day, I think it’s finally worked its way out too, just in time for the Turkey Trot!