Old school blogging: April edition

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I loved this last month. Old school blogging. Today’s post is all about marriage and babies. (And even if you don’t have babies – or don’t want them – keep reading! And join in!)

1. How did your husband pop the big question?
Oh this is kind of a lame story.

It was the first Saturday in January, and I had just recently joined Team in Training. That day was my first 10-mile run – my longest yet! – and I was exhausted, but we had dinner plans for that night. We went to dinner at Tupelo Honey, and actually sat at the bar because the place was so packed. He didn’t ask at the restaurant, though.

He drove me home, I changed clothes (into sweats because remember that 10-mile run? yeah.) And then he saw me and said, “oh, I thought we were going back out.” So I changed back into my “going out” clothes. And then he saw me again and said, “oh, I figured we were just staying in.” So the sweats went back on. I was so confused about why we came home if he wanted to go back out. We aren’t the type to go BACK out on a Saturday night.

He finally came back into the bedroom where I was sprawled out ready to fall asleep and asked me to marry him. It was so not glamorous, but it was so us. I of course said “yes” and then I believe we updated our MySpace relationship status – because those were the days before Facebook was all the rage.

2. What are the three most surprising things about married life?
How fast time flies.
I’ve learned I’m really anal about little things – such as laundry and how it’s folded. And towels and how they’re folded.
There really isn’t a better person for me, other than Kenny.

3. How did you find out you were pregnant for the first time?
I was suspicious when I wanted spinach for several mornings. Sauteed in garlic, of course. I was then a few days late, and took a test, which was positive.

4. How did you choose your first baby’s name?
My husband used a learning strategy on me to come up with our child’s name. We each had different colored post-it notes. We came up with four columns (separate from each other) that were like it, love it, could deal with it, hate it. We then compared our post-its, and vetoed any that we really didn’t like. We had a couple of common names, but Lucas stood out to both of us as a like/love it. We chose Edward as a middle name – it was a family name on both sides of our families.

5. Describe where you see yourself in 10 years from now…
Hopefully we’ll have one more child. I see job changes for both of us, our little guy will almost be a teenager. I see us happy and enjoying life.

6. Describe how you find bliss, either with words or images.
Nap time is always a form of bliss in our house. A good run on a perfect weather day is also pretty blissful.

I also find bliss in sunsets. And Hawaii. Preferably sunsets in Hawaii.


Now it’s your turn. If you blog, answer the above questions (and let me know so I can read your responses!) 

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  1. Is that sunset from a photo you took while in Hawaii? If so, I am super jealous. I want to go there so badly!

    And I think it is sweet that you were in your sweats when he proposed. He loves you no matter what you are wearing. 😉

    Thanks for linking up!!

    1. That photo IS from my trip to Hawaii back in 2010! We were at a luau and I was in a “forbidden” area. (I didn’t realize they didn’t want us past a certain point.) Anyway. Some of my best photos were taken in that spot. And I need to go back one day! 🙂

  2. LOVE your pregnancy story. I had a friend who found out because she suddenly didn’t want coffee…which is huge for her. Also…you’re totally right about how quickly time flies. The last ten years seemed to have gone by in the blink of an eye for us.

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