Oliver turns another year older

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Fourteen years ago this August, we adopted Oliver from the animal shelter. He was 8 weeks old, and since nobody really knew his exact birthday, we decided to go with my high school graduation date, since that was easy to remember (at the time, it was very easy to remember….It’s still easy for me to remember, but maybe not for my family members.)
Well, today happens to be the anniversary of my high school graduation, which would make it Oliver’s birthday. Making him 14 years old!
I’m so glad that we bought our house with a fenced in yard, mainly so Oliver would have space to run (and it’s easy for my mom to drop them off at our house.)

He doesn’t run like he used to (see this very pixelated video shot shortly after we moved into our house over a year ago) but he still likes to drag you on walks.

And bark at you in the snow.
I love this face. (The below photo was taken today. I think he doesn’t look a day over 5 years old.)
Fabulous dog.

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