One word for 2018

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Having a word of the year – or one little word – kind of seems to be the thing to do these days. In the past, I’ve had words (and goals as opposed to resolutions.) Last year my word was “grace” which I came back to over and over. The year before? Thrive. That one was really good for me as we navigated having a second child, and our worlds shifted. Three years ago my word was “balance.” I didn’t write about it on my blog, but I kept a sticky note in my planner to remind me that I was constantly striving to achieve balance. This year I really struggled to figure out a word that I could apply to an entire year. 

I have ideas of what I want to accomplish this next year, and “thrive” was a really good word two years ago. Yesterday my word found me. It’s very similar to thrive. Flourish. 

I want to flourish in 2018 – with my family, my day job, my website and any new endeavors I take on. 

I want to flourish in fitness – I really want to get back to the old me. (I’m signed up for a 5k in a few weeks. I’m signing up for a half marathon. I have plans, people!) 

I want to flourish with my blog – 2017 was a great year for my site. I grew, I was able to make money to pay for keeping the site going, but also to take care of some things for my family (like childcare. Childcare is a necessity and it’s SO expensive.) 

I want to flourish in my day job – I really enjoy my job, and I want to learn new things and really help take our digital pieces to a new level. 

I want to flourish with my family – I want to be more present with my kids and husband. I want us to go on a few adventures in 2018. I want to plan a vacation outside of Asheville, but I also want us to take advantage of everything Asheville has to offer us. 

I want to flourish in everything that comes my way. 

Did you choose a word for your year? Happy New Year, friends!

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