only 10 more miles

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I ran 16 miles this morning. I averaged under 11 minute miles, which was good considering my left foot was taped up from the massive blisters and exposed skin (from sliding insoles – see post below.)

My feet felt better today. I felt good overall. I know that my time seems really slow, but if you knew the hills I had to climb….I might have to take pictures one day. They’re pretty brutal. There’s one we refer to as the rose garden (it’s one long street and the neighbors have planted rose gardens in the center median.) It’s a tough hill and I had to climb it four times. I normally only do it twice – maximum – in any long run. By the fourth time I was close to cursing myself.

Only 10 more miles and I would have had my full marathon. Hard to believe that I’m going to run my third marathon next month. I’m pretty psyched about it.

I’m running a 10k race next weekend. It’s one that vowed never to run again after it’s inaugural year (it was snowing, I injured myself, we had to run up Town Mountain, which is one of the longest and steepest hills in Asheville, and my iPod froze.) This is year 3 and I’m hoping it’ll go off without a hitch.

It’s in the 70s today. I’m declaring it “turn off technology day” for the remainder of the day 🙂 See you later!

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