operation: clean out the garage

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In January, I mentioned that one of my resolutions was to empty a box from our garage each month – at least one box. I’ve emptied a box here and there, but not each month. Not even close. I actaully don’t know why I have so many things in my garage as they won’t really be kept as safe as I would like due to the broken garage door. As well as decluttering, getting the door repaired is also another one of my resolutions. As the new year is a year for change, I did actually look into Garage Door Repair in King of Prussia, PA to help locate specialists that provide the relevant services to fix my garage door. If you aren’t in the Pennsylvania area, consider talking to Spark Garage Doors – Aurora CO. They can provide similar advice and services. I’m sure someone will provide me with the best possible solution to this issue. But until then, back to the boxes in the garage.

Last Sunday, I was feeling ambitious and I emptied five boxes while the husband played with the baby upstairs. I should have taken a photo before I tackled those five boxes, but I didn’t. I did, however, remember to take photos this morning. It’s a little embarrassing, but this is our garage. (As seen from the garage door, looking in. Also don’t forget that if you are thinking of cleaning your garage out, you can also treat yourself to a new garage door if you wanted. If this is something of interest to you then you might want to check out a company like Coastal Garage Doors).

And this is a view from the inside door – looking towards the main garage door.


See that gap on the right – right above the red farm toy? That used to be filled with boxes (last Sunday.)

The shelves were there when we moved in. We packed them with stuff the day we moved in, and we never looked back. In fact, you can see that we just managed to stack stuff in front of the shelves. So. much. stuff.

I stayed home today. I usually take my birthday off, but I chose to take the day after off since my birthday landed on the weekend. I had the chance to do anything I wanted. Today I emptied 7 boxes. I could have done more, but I did other things like grocery shopping, running, laundry, cleaning. Oh, yes. I really know how to live it up and celebrate my birthday.

I now have two boxes in the trunk of my car, ready for Goodwill. I dropped off old sheets at Brother Wolf (an animal rescue in town) and so many items were thrown away, recycled or tossed in the donation boxes.

I can’t wait until I can get back in there – maybe next weekend? I’m loving the purging feeling. And I really want this garage cleaned out before Christmas.

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