Operation Freeze Pops

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I wrote this long post about our old landlords, and I’ve decided to unpublish it for now. It never made it to the live site. I unpublished before I published, if that makes any sense. I figured I wouldn’t go there at this time.

Where I will take you, though, is to Iraq. Kind of. Family members get updated on a monthly basis on the goings-on of our family in Iraq. We just got an update earlier this week. I had already sent off my most recent package, but they finally requested something that I can send (and you can, if you’re up for random acts of kindness this month.) Oh, and a lot of people ask me pretty frequently what they can send. This info is for you!

From the email:

I am sorry to inform you that the temp over there is equivalent to hell (as I have been informed by multiple soldiers). Today was 117 in the shade. I sent a box of frozen pops that you get for the kids at the store. Liquid in the pack, freeze them, instant relief. I only sent 100 and go figure, they went in 3 hours. If anybody would like to join me in sending freezy pops I know that they would love it.

The box of 100 was enough for two per soldier (in my brother’s unit, at least.) We were at Sam’s Club tonight and came across a box of 200 for $8. I guess they weren’t the cheapest we could find, but they were the name brand and I think the guys are worth it. My box will be shipping out on Monday.

Remember the Fla-Vor-Ice pops from when you were a kid?

So, if you’re interested and want to help in Operation Freeze Pops, shoot me an email or comment on this post.

My husband wants his own box. I told him we could buy some for ourselves after these are shipped out.

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