The perfect hostess gift with @KlementSausage

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It’s party season. We have holiday parties the next several weekends and I’m often at a loss when it comes to bringing a gift for our host/hostess. Until this year.

The holiday season also equates to the season of eating for many. One year for Christmas, my husband asked for summer sausages. I can’t even make this up. He was so excited when several family members gave him summer sausages on Christmas morning (and we had summer sausages on hand for months!) 


It’s interesting that when we think of our get togethers or parties, our minds go to the food we’re going to bring or consume at the party. Gone are the days that people want a ton of “stuff” in the house, but food? Food can be shared and it can be so good. 

I made this basket using Klement’s Sausages for an upcoming party. The basket came from Target (I think it was $3) and to go with the summer sausages, I purchased crackers and cheese. To liven the basket up, I bought a set of holiday kitchen towels – useful and cute! Oh and I also added a pack of holiday napkins. This entire gift is ready for consumption upon delivery. 


We love creating platters of Klement’s Sausages, and I haven’t met any friends who haven’t become fans of Klement’s over the past several months. We keep the snack sticks on hand (which I also included in the hostess gift basket) and crackers and cheese will complement the sausage. For this basket, we have the cheddar sausage, so cheese isn’t absolutely necessary. The garlic summer sausage worked well with the cheese and crackers. (Or if you’re a fan of ALL the cheese, by all means add it to the cheddar sausage!) 


This basket is so simple, yet still makes a (thankful) statement. It doesn’t take long to put together, but your host can enjoy the sausage treats immediately. And the snack sticks make for great snacks now or later. (Trust me on this!) 

If you aren’t able to purchase the products in your local grocery store, you can purchase on Amazon. All of the tastiness without having to leave your home? Sign me up.
Original Summer Sausage
Cheddar Summer Sausage
Snack Sticks

Do you love summer sausage? What is one thing you take to holiday parties? 


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One Comment

  1. My dad LOVES summer sausage! We always get him some for Christmas! It’s such a great idea for a hostess gift too. Much more useful and thoughtful than another candle!

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