Pictures from Lake Waccamaw
We’re still in Lake Waccamaw, and I’m having a lot of fun with the loaner camera! Here are a few pics from our trip. Be sure to click on the images to view the really large version. When I get home, I can crop the photo so you can really see the gators!
First, have I mentioned that Kenny’s parents live really close to the lake (walking distance) and the canal that runs beside the lake is also home to alligators? Check it out:
Baby alligator we saw on our walk back to the house
This alligator was disturbed by a bunch of boys throwing rocks at it. They wanted him to move, so I could get a picture. I asked them to not throw things, because I didn’t want to become lunch today.
And, this alligator was just hanging out at the end of the canal (we drove down to a seafood restaurant, and parked. We then walked along the canal a little more.)
I’m having a little difficulty uploading the large images, so I’ll leave you with one more picture of Mercedes. The cat turns 18 this year (this is what Kenny and I determined in the car ride Friday night.) She can officially vote. We hope she makes the right decision.