Planning a family with Growing Generations #GrowingGenerations #health #ad
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There seems to be a baby boom in my circle of friends, which I would not have anticipated at this stage of my life. In fact, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I was automatically classified as “advanced maternal age” which really meant I was watched like a hawk, and I was susceptible to a lot more testing. Considering it was a bit more of a challenge to conceive our first child, we didn’t anticipate a second pregnancy to happen so easily.
I know many people are not so fortunate to conceive on the first try – or even the tenth try. Several of my friends are impacted by infertility, and are grateful for modern medicine to help them grow their families. I think of the many names we see in magazines and on television who are having children now regardless of their age or health history and love that people are able to turn to surrogates or other procedures in order to become parents.
Growing Generations was founded in 1996 and was initially known as an egg donor company. In 2012 they reached surrogacy baby 1000 – more than 1000 babies are here thanks to their help! They are giving hope to so many people who want to start a family.
They can help you explore your options when you want to have a baby. There are options such as fertility drugs, egg donation, surrogacy and surgery. Check out their infographic which explores the different options and can answer some of your questions before deciding which method is the best for you. The graphic is divided into rooms so you can view each treatment option they offer, and also get a timeline and success rate of that treatment.