Be prepared for picture day! 5 Tips for Your Best Smile #Smilehood #ad

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This post has been sponsored by Orajelā„¢. All opinions are my own.

My son has been in preschool for just over a year, and I was surprised last year when we were sent home forms for picture day. I couldn’t believe how early this monumental day began! He was just barely 4 years old, and at that time, he was not a fan of pictures. I was pretty scared of how things might pan out, actually. Only three weeks before, we managed to get a photo of him looking particularly unpleasant. 



We really talked the picture day up. When I asked him how he was going to smile, he gave me the creepiest smile he could come up with. The morning of his pictures, I pleaded with him to cooperate, listen to his teachers and to give “sweet smiles” in hopes that we wouldn’t end up with something awful. 


Something worked because we ended up with the best photos. 

Little did I realize that his school does picture day TWICE a year, so we went through all of that again in late April. This time, I was in a newborn-haze and had to remember a few tips for my son. 

1. Make sure your child has a decent breakfast. My son’s school does pictures as soon as the kids are present, and it’s harder to photograph a child if they’re running on empty. My son loves cereal for breakfast, and I try to make sure he has turkey bacon to fill him up a little more. He also enjoys milk, which I’ll occasionally give him to drink during the car ride to school. 

2. Brush your child’s teeth – and floss! Brushing our teeth in the morning has become engrained in my boy’s head. Bedtime brushing is always easier to remember. When I’m home with him during the day, we occasionally brush after lunchtime (and before his rest time.) Brushing at least twice a day is so important! If you’re having a difficult time getting your child to brush his/her teeth, check out these tips from Orajelā„¢!

3. Let your child help choose their picture day outfit. My son has a few shirts with pockets that he’s obsessed with. Even if I select something different, he will argue until I agree to let him wear what he has in mind. The perfect outfit isn’t worth the struggle (and he has done a great job choosing, so far!)

4. Practice smiling. I’ll take a lot of silly pictures with my son, just to get them out of his system. I then ask him about his sweet smile, and I’m fortunate that the sweet smile shows up in most of his school photos.


This photo was taken at the end of his school year, and we just had school pictures taken earlier this month. I’m fairly confident he rocked them and I can’t wait for the photos to be sent home!


What tips do you have for getting the best school pictures? 

Iā€™m excited to be part of the Orajelā„¢ Smilehood community ā€“ a group of moms promoting healthy smiles and oral hygiene. Iā€™ll be sharing my stories and tips over the next several months ā€“ and hopefully learning some new tricks and techniques as we navigate parenting an infant again. Read my previous posts about Keeping Smiles SparklingPreparing for Baby (and Teething) and Caring for Baby Teeth and Gums

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  1. Picture day is always so exciting but sometimes the kids dread that day! It would be awesome to do these steps to help encourage them. I hope a lot of parents get to read this post!

  2. Wonderful tips! Our school picture day is coming up and i’m nervous for it! I hope we get better photos this year. We are huge orajel fans in our house we get the toothpaste all the time!

  3. Awe! Good tips and great tip on telling him to smile sweetly! I always hated picture day because I never felt they gave me enough time to get my smile just right lol

  4. When my kids were little, we made sure they had a good breakfast on picture taking day. We also helped them choose the clothes they want to wear and get every thing ready the night before. Less stress, happy tummy, lots of hugs and words of encouragement!

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