prepping for the storm

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I did our grocery shopping on Friday (late afternoon, while I still had daycare to watch the baby.) At the time, I was glad to get it out of the way, so I didn’t have to wrangle a one-year-old in the grocery store this weekend. And then talks of this hurricane and cold front creating Frankenstorm kept creeping up in conversations.

And the threat of snow kept growing. You know what that means where I live, right? Everyone freaks out and rushes to the grocery store to stock up on bread, milk and eggs. I have yet to figure out what people are going to do with all of the milk and eggs (because if your power goes out, the refrigerator should be left closed to keep food cold – and after a certain amount of time, that milk is going to spoil.)

Today the forecast was just getting worse. I have to admit that for a moment, I freaked out on the inside. But then I remembered, we have plenty of food for the baby – stuff that doesn’t even have to be cooked (the organic pouches of pureed food are amazing, and he LOVES them.) And we don’t have to worry about milk spoiling. He is still breastfeeding. So, food? Check. Diapers? Check. Heat? Check….I was talking to my boss, and she still has a way to run heat in our house without electricity, so we’re welcome over there if anything should happen. (Yay for amazing bosses!)

On my way home, I mentioned the grocery store thing to my mom. It dawned on me that I forgot to buy bread this weekend. And I didn’t want bread just because of the threat of winter weather. We usually have a loaf frozen and we’re down to a few slices. Thankfully, my mom came to the rescue and said she was about to bake a loaf, and she’d just make two loaves. Yay for amazing moms! 

The power flickered a few times at work late this afternoon. It also flickered at the house. As soon as I got home, I turned the heat up. If the power goes out (hello, we have huge trees in our back yard and I just had an estimate on Friday to have 3 cut down), I want to be sure our house is warm enough for a little while.

Two years ago, none of this would have even crossed my mind. I’m already planning on working from home tomorrow. I normally work from home Tuesday afternoons, but now I plan on making an entire day of it.

I think we’re ready. We have our major bases covered. Now we just sit and hope that others are as lucky as we are and aren’t affected heavily by these storms.

Are you being affected by the hurricane? What are you doing to prep for it? 


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  1. thankfully no storm damage here, but the national park is gorgeous with snow!!

    i agree with you about milk, bread and eggs. my “big 3” are beer, batteries, and bread.

    1. Your big 3 are definitely important. We’re fortunate that we now have a liquor store within walking distance. And we totally walked there during a big snow a few years ago. (Obviously, before we had a baby….)

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