purging all the stuff.
I got into this purging kick a few weeks ago. And then I had the genius idea to have a yard sale this weekend. This weekend also happens to be when the husband is out of town, so I have my work cut out for me. Luckily, I have my boss, my mom and another friend who are going to help out (so I at least have company and a few extra hands for the baby.)
More than a week ago, I cleaned out my closet. I thought I had all of this time to go through boxes in the garage and just get rid of stuff. Easier said than done.
Life always gets in the way.
So tonight I’ve spent over an hour just grabbing stuff I know we don’t need. In the process of purging, I found the box of 18-month baby clothes I had been searching for. (I was super organized up until the 12 month clothes, and then things got crazy. I must get organized again.)
There are baby clothes galore that are getting sold or donated this weekend (a lot of stuff was hand me downs that we never got to use.) There are toys that we never used and the baby has outgrown. We even have items like baby bottles that we purchased 18 months ago – and we ended up using a different brand.
I’m so over the stuff. I hope the yard sale is successful, otherwise I’m going to be making a couple of trips to Goodwill. And I just don’t have that kind of time this weekend.
Are you a fan of yard sales? Or do you go straight to the donation center?
i found a blogger who did a “31 days of purging” series. i think i’m going to dig that up and start it for october. desperately needed!!