random list Monday

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My husband’s been sick for several days. Tonight I started feeling his sickness, though mine has started with a sore throat. I’m so not happy about this, and must kick the sickness to the curb.

That said, you get a list this evening.

–The weekend was awesome. We watched a lot of television. It rained a lot, so the trashy tv was a nice addition to the weekend. (Also allowed the husband to stay in and rest.)

–I’m so addicted to fabric.com right now. I found a 30% off promo code for the site, and I use Ebates to get 4% back on my purchases, so I’m getting stuff dirt cheap. Seriously. I have over $60 in fabric sitting in my cart right now. I’ll probably spend about $40 because I want to make curtains for a couple of rooms.

–I went running on Saturday and it was gorgeous. For real. Bright sun, warmer temps. An hour later it clouded up so much it looked like it was late evening. And it stayed that way for most of the weekend.

–I’ve been packing like mad for Hawaii. Well, actually, storing things on an empty bookcase until I dragged a suitcase out this evening. I had a dream I packed all of my stuff (for a week) in a carry-on bag. I wonder if I could actually make that happen for real. Doubtful.

–I bought a bathing suit at Target last week that was on clearance. It was $8.74. I tried it on tonight (I bought it without trying it) and it. is. perfect. Best $8.74 I’ve spent all month, unless you count part of the fabric I’m about to buy.

–I don’t know if I’m more excited about vacationing in Hawaii or flying through LAX, because I think LA is pretty awesome.

–When I’ve mentioned my upcoming trip, I’ve referenced it as “the beach.” As in, I can’t wait to take this new bag I’m making to the beach. It’s definitely more than the beach, but for some reason I keep thinking it’s like Charleston or something. Weird.

–I’m not getting paid for my time off next week. That’s the downside to my time at the beach. 🙂 I’m going to be on furlough. And this year, it doesn’t freak me out. I guess I’m being smarter about saving?

–I called my bank today to get an updated credit card (one with my married name) since I’ll be traveling, and I was too lazy to do it over two years ago. The woman was nice and offered to transfer other credit cards or loans for a low interest rate. I told her I had no debt besides our house – including this credit card…it has a zero balance – and she was shocked, and excited! She congratulated me on that and genuinely sounded happy. I love my banks. (I have two.)

I think that is all. I love lists. And I love being random. How about you?

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