random Monday (part whatever)

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I’ve been meaning to post a meal plan Monday post for a few weeks, but for the past two weeks we’ve been eating several meals with family. I didn’t even have to invite ourselves to my grandma’s house tonight – my mom did the inviting, and my grandma didn’t turn us down. (And then once we were there, we got another invite for Wednesday.) Kenny was correct when he told me tonight that we shouldn’t have even gone grocery shopping yesterday.

I’m so excited for summer, and growing our own vegetables. If it would just stop freezing – or reaching close to freezing temperatures – so I could plant everything, I’d be a happy girl.

Chloe’s been extra-clingy tonight. We’re not sure if she still misses us from the weekend, is sick, or if it’s a combination of both. (I may have given her the hairball meds an hour too late.)

We finally convinced my grandma tonight that there was no way she was going to make it to August without finding out the gender of McLittle. Honestly. My aunt lives with her, my mom’s down the street, and I plan on telling my grandpa on Wednesday. (I thought it might be fun to tell grandpa and let him tell everyone – if he could remember it, because his memory comes and goes these days.) So now it looks like we can tell several family members at dinner Wednesday night!

We’re really hoping McLittle cooperates on Wednesday. Otherwise, I’ll be booking another ultrasound.

I’m ready for spring to get her….and stay a while. How about you?

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  1. Love fresh garden veggies. There is nothign like them.

    So excited that you might get to find out what you are having! I always foudn out. I had good reasons for all of them. Well, except the first, but I knew she was a girl.

    Enjoy having dinner being cooked for you. I love not having to think about dinner.

  2. my dad is having shoulder surgery tomorrow, so if we want fresh veggies jay is gonna have to help him plant and harvest.

    i triple puffy heart spring.

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