random roundup
Asheville is low on gas. For real. Not a huge concern for me (yet) because I had gas in my car from before my vacation, but we didn’t think to get gas in SC on our way home. So now, my mom’s car is running on the half gallon of gas she had in the container for the lawn mower. That blows. People are seriously nuts around here, too. Fighting over it, waiting for 3 hours in a line to get gas. Crazy.
I’m thinking about my bike options. First, I only live 3.5 miles away from work. It’s totally feasible, and if I can run 3.1 miles in under 30 minutes, think of how fast I could bike that. Plus, think of the health benefits. And I’d have awesome legs. Only problem is the Smoky Park Bridge. That thing blows. Gotta figure out a way around that bridge…
Kenny’s at WCU for the week. I’m a little lonely.
My first chick-flick gathering for tomorrow night was cancelled because of the gas shortage. Too many people live just far enough away that it’s a hassle, and a worry, to find gas to drive to the Cinebarre. Such a shame, too. I was looking forward to the chick-flick club. (Think of a book club, but for chick flicks.)
Speaking of book clubs…I’m half in one, but not really. Too many rules, and I was told that my chick-lit books were not “book club material.” SO. I came up with the chick flick club. And, I’m thinking of taking the advice my from recent Real Simple magazine (about book clubs) and starting an online book club. Our rules would be…no difficult rules. We’d read a book and blog about it. If it took us 2 months to read the book (or over a year to read Harry Potter), then it takes us a long time. If you don’t want to read the book, you could blog about the four pages you did read (that’s what I read for my first book club meeting, before giving the book away.) I’ll keep you posted on my online book club.
I keep looking at my sunrise photos. I really like them. I’m thinking of enlarging one and hanging it in our apartment. I could do that before Kenny comes home…
I just realized that our apartment scares me. Random noises when Kenny’s not home, and I don’t like that. Plus, I think our neighbors are hanging things up and they keep making noises through the walls. I believe I even hear them on the back deck right now. Not good. I have to go to bed soon and I don’t want to listen to them.
Speaking of neighbors (and high gas prices), ours are even more nervous about the gas because they just bought ANOTHER car and they can’t fill it up. It’s a Lexus, and requires premium gas. Sad for them, I guess. I mean, they live in apartment, next to the highway, and they have three cars – for two people. They’ve had more cars at other times, but geez. This isn’t a car lot. Get rid of a car and you wouldn’t be so freaked out about the gas.
I’ve been in training for the past two days at work. It’s been great – no “real” work, just learning a new system. I love the new system, too. Tomorrow, it’s back to the real job, though.
And I learned today that I can’t take the day after Thanksgiving off. That blows. I can take the day before, and even the day before that. Seeing how we’re going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, this really puts a wrench in my plans (take two cars, come back Thursday night, what to do?)
I think this is all my brain can handle for tonight. I’m heading to bed in hopes of watching the Rachel Zoe reality show on Bravo.
I am so glad I live in Oklahoma right now. No gas shortage or high gas prices. I think it is down to 3.29. A book club sounds great. You should do it!
i’m in for the online book club. I need more blog material.
Awesome. I’ll come up with details on an online book club. I’ll post them sometime in the next week and we’ll have blog fodder for at least a few weeks…up until we get bored with it š