ready as I’ll ever be

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I made a list this morning of things I needed to do, in order to be ready for work tomorrow. It was a pretty long list. I’m happy to say I’ve checked everything off on my list – including finding clothes to wear that fit.

Lucas and I went for more than one walk this afternoon. He took two great naps, allowing me to get some much-needed sewing done and most of the laundry has been washed and put away. I’d call that a successful and productive afternoon, wouldn’t you?

The baby’s bag is packed, my lunch is packed, my clothes are laid out and I’ve actually already showered (I have yet to shower, dry my hair and get ready to be somewhere on time, while also getting the baby ready.)

So while I think I’d make a great stay at home mom, I guess I’m ready to return to the real world tomorrow. At least, as ready as I’ll ever be.

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  1. You will balance things very well! You are a wonderful Mom & I’m sure a very effective employee…. You’ll love Lucas even more (if that”s possible) at the end of the day!!! Time will fly by.. Love, Aunt Linda

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