I’m not usually one to make resolutions. I rarely keep them. A few years ago, I vowed to learn how to play the guitar. Sounded cool. My grandma bought me a book on learning to play, but I never picked up a guitar. Broken resolution.
Last year, though, I made resolutions to read more books, learn how to properly decorate a cake (which I kind of did) and become a little more organized (again, I think I accomplished this one with the help of a book.) I also ran a marathon faster than my previous marathon. That was pretty cool. I thought it would be cool to come up with fun resolutions, so here goes.
–Learn to sew. I’m one step closer, as my grandma has an old sewing machine she wants to give me. It needs to be serviced, but I think it would be pretty perfect in our rec/shag/Barry Manilow room.
–Run a faster marathon. I’m a step closer to this one, too. I’ve started my training, and in my most recent races, I’ve been maintaining a faster mile pace. It’s a good feeling.
–Be healthier overall. I don’t want to say that I’ll lose weight. I just want to be healthier. I’ve started a new weights workout, combined with the running and I’m trying to cook more (taking lunches, eating breakfast at home, eating more dinners at home.) The cooking more may help the most.
–Cut out soda. It’s so bad for me. I can do it in spurts, but I need to just cut it out. For real.
–Read more. Not too hard, considering we don’t have much cable to watch.
–Take more photos. This has already started. I just haven’t posted them. Maybe my resolution should be to post more photos!
–Be happier. I’m working on this. Especially in the workplace.
So, there you have it. Let’s see if I can do it now.
I will learn to sew with you. The funny thing is, I own a sewing machine, but I have no clue how to use it. Bill does all the sewing here!
I want to re-learn to play the guitar (I have two) and learn how to sew also (I also have two machines), haha.
You’re both WAY ahead of me! I still have to buy a sewing machine š I’m checking craigslist, though. No sense in buying something brand new to learn on.