Sesame Street birthday party – fit for a 2-year-old girl!

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A few years ago, I threw my son a Sesame Street birthday party. I had a lot more time to plan as I had just been laid off from my job 10 days before the party, and suddenly had time to prep and create. My daughter turned two in April, and the weekend before her birthday we threw her Sesame Street party. 

It was not as crafty as the first party I threw, but it was a lot of fun, and she had a great time – I think that’s the point, right? I only printed a few invitations, and stuck with texting or emailing the information. Her daycare friends received the printed invitations. (And my grandma received one since she doesn’t text, as far as I know.) 

I created a new set of water bottle labels featuring Abby. 

My mom made the cake, and created the rice paper design for the top of the cake (also featuring Abby and Elmo.) The main difference in the two parties is Abby’s appearance. My daughter LOVES Abby, while my son was a bigger fan of Elmo. 

I hung a few Sesame Street decorations from our light fixture (which you would have found hanging in our dining room for about 6 weeks.) 

And of course I used the monthly photos! I love, love, love decorating with the kids monthly pictures. My mom made the “Birthday Girl” canvas, which also was on display in our dining room for about 6 weeks. 

Plates and napkins were purchased at KMart – the only store I was able to find any Sesame Street party supplies. 

The party favors were bubbles from the Dollar Tree and a light up ball from Target. (I had been in Target and found a pack of 6 balls. Seeing as this is my daughter’s favorite toy, we went with it.) 

My son had number and letter cookies for his party, and the night before this party I went with store bought cookie dough and created a couple dozen cookies. For some reason, I couldn’t let this one go. I was decorating cookies until 11:30pm. I have a tutorial for creating the perfect cookie coming soon – complete with a quick video of the icing process. (I promise, it’s so easy.) 

I tried one new thing – an Elmo fruit platter. I was pretty proud of this. I bought the fruit on Thursday night, and threw this together the morning of the party. (The party started at 11, so I was up early prepping!) I had a large glass plate that I used as the base. I had already cut the tops of the strawberries, so it was a matter of arranging them on the plate. I used a stem of grapes for Elmo’s mouth. I washed the grapes, but I didn’t take them off the stem, as it was easier to manipulate them this way. I used two small cups (they’re party dipping cups I bought ages ago) and filled them with a fruit dip. And then I used grapes for the eyes. Finally, I gave Elmo a nose with a Halo. 

People LOVED this, and since we know my daughter loves fruit, it was perfect! 

My aunt gave her a ball pit for her birthday, and I’m fairly certain my kids were living their best lives that day. (And for weeks after, the ball pit lived in our downstairs room. It’s been put away for the moment. I’m sure it’ll make another appearance this summer.

My son is already planning for his summer birthday party. I’m excited to take on a new theme! 

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