Show us…..the wedding dress

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This week on Kelly’s blog, she’s showcasing wedding dresses. This is a fun one for me. Unfortunately, I can’t find a lot of my “snapshot” pictures that I took before the wedding (of the dress as it was being transported, and that sort of thing.)

A little back story on my dress…..I bought two dresses on ebay. I fell in love with two photos and I won the first dress for $27. The second auction was ending while I was at my part-time job, and one of my bridesmaids actually had to bid on the auction for me (because I kept getting outbid.) We literally won the auction at the last possible second because I told her to bid $50 on it (I was on the phone with her) and I got the dress for $47. And when I got the second dress, I was in love. (I later sold the first one and made a profit on it.) This was brand new, never altered and it fit me pretty perfectly. (There was one fitting where Misha – the guy altering the dress for me – told me that I should stop eating for 2 or 3 days and that would take care of any tight places….the dress could. not. be. let. out.) On the day of the wedding, it fit perfectly.

One of my favorite photos
The beading that I loved (and the reason it couldn’t be let out.)
When we finally decided on our location (my old college) and the month (October), I knew I wanted to take a picture like this on the quad of the college. They have the BEST trees in Mars Hill!!
Jaime under tree2
Getting things done:
bride & girls2
I definitely had a bustle added to the dress
My cousin Claire and I. Claire filled in as flower girl the week of the wedding (and it was a great fit!)
bride & flower girl
Me and Lena, the “divas”
bride & maid of honor diva1
Arriving at our reception:
bride arriving reception2

Yep. Lots of photos. I’m only a little bit sorry for that. It was such an amazing day!!

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  1. That is so cool about winning your dress on ebay! šŸ™‚ It’s so pretty and that’s funny about misha šŸ™‚ Glad it worked out, you looked gorgeous!

  2. Great pictures, Jaime! I love the one with the leaves! I never thought of getting a wedding dress on ebay… now I know what to do with mine. It is still hanging up at my parent’s house. šŸ™‚

  3. Thanks, everyone! It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 2 years since that day (because it DOES feel like it just happened!) I knew someone who bought her dress for $25 on ebay, so that’s where I got the idea. (I had also sold a dress on ebay from a previous engagement.) I knew my size in Eden Bridals, since I had tried a dress on at a shop in Asheville….and totally lucked out with everything.

    The dress is now in a plastic container in the garage. Poor dress. Glad I didn’t spend more than $50 on it.

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