Shutterfly holiday cards review (plus giveaway!)

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I know, I know. It’s October. Why in the world are we talking about Holiday Cardsalready?

Because we are only two months away from Christmas, that’s why. And if you are going to order your cards, and you are anything like me, you should order soon so you can get them out on time. (If you are like me, getting cards addressed and in the mail is taking up to two months, so I need as much time as possible.)

Oh, and I have a giveaway – information is further down in this post.

So here we are. I’m almost ready to order our cards, just as soon as I have our family of three photo taken. (Family of four, if you include the cat, which we usually do) Last year, our cards had a family photo, a baby photo and a cat photo. I may just stick with a family photo this year. That said, this is what I’m considering:


Peaceful snowflakes


Be Merry

As I was looking for cards with just one photo, I felt a little guilty and started looking at two-photo cards so we could include Chloe. She is our furbaby, after all.


Berry Merry Christmas (this one may be my favorite.)Ā 


Frames of us (this also comes in a two-photo option)

Now for the fun part (for you!) Shutterfly is offering $50 off total order (does not include shipping & cannot be combined with any other promos) to one lucky reader of mine. For one entry, comment on this post and tell me which card you would choose, if you were me. Or better yet, check out Shutterfly and tell me another design you like for yourself!Ā  I’ll select a winner using on October 29. (So get your comments in by the end of day October 28!)

For a second entry, let me know if you follow my blog (or start following!) You can follow me through Google Reader, Google Friend Connect or another RSS feed reader. If you are a follower, leave a separate comment.

Finally, be sure to check out Shutterfly’s special offers. You can find all types of discounts they have going on, such as free shipping or discounts on photo books. Ā 

Note: This is a sponsored post. In return for blogging about Shutterfly’s cards, I’m receiving a credit towards my order.

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    1. I know! If we only do one photo, and Chloe is left out of that photo, it would be the first time in 4 Christmas cards that she was left off. I don’t know if I’m prepared to do that. šŸ™‚

  1. I also love the first one! My second choice is the second one that says “be merry”.

    One question: Are you afraid that the baby will change a lot between now and December if you order the cards now? That’s why I waited so long last year… Emma changed a lot between October and December!

  2. I love the Berry Merry Christmas one – Chloe definitely needs to be included. I think we might just put the kids and Squirt in a card this year. Who knows. Depends on if the kids will cooperate – the cat I can usually get to be trapped for a photo.

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