Snow day fun!

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We finally had enough snow to play in! And it’s sticking around! (I also can work from home, at times, so I luckily don’t *have* to be out on the roads.) I drove home in a snowy mess yesterday and from the looks of my Facebook and Twitter feeds, I made it home just in time. The roads are atrocious and there are so many accidents out there.

SO. I left work early yesterday, headed home and did some work, and then received the text that daycare was closing early. I finished up some of my work and we picked up the little guy early. (No worries on the work front, I finished up some more emails later in the evening. You know, just in case you were wondering if I actually completed my work day.)

My mom made his mittens. And the handy crocheted string that runs through his coat sleeves, so the mittens don’t get lost.

10 minutes. That’s the amount of time we spent outdoors. This boy loves his snow boots. And he really loves catching snowflakes on his tongue. snowday5

A little snow on the face doesn’t hurt, either.


Poor birds need a shovel to get into their house.



It was a really fun day.






Is it snowing in your part of the country? I hope this finds you safe and warm – after having a little bit of fun in the snow. And here’s hoping we have at least one more play date in the snow.

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  1. Great pictures, thanks for sharing! We got our fair share of snow here in Ottawa (Canada), but unfortunately it is too cold to be outside for too long!

  2. you know about our 13″ snowdrift from this weekends snow….i’m over the neagtive temps here, but i’ll keep the snow on the ground (note i did not say roads) as long as we can!

    He looks adorable!

  3. Adorable! I can’t wait for my little girl to see snow for the first time. She was in born in Colorado but we shortly moved back to Florida. No snow here but we will definitely be going back to visit during the winter months!

  4. So cute! I love little ones in the snow! We’ve had snow on the ground for the past 2 weeks, but it’s sooooo cold, we really can’t let our 2 year old out to play in it. He played one day for about 5 min.

  5. Snow days are so much fun! I only wish here in Iowa that it were warm enough to go outside and play in it!! Hah! Cute pictures! It’s always nice to have a little down time to enjoy with family.

  6. We had our first snow last night here in middle GA. The kids spent so much time outside today. There were snowball fights, 4 wheeler rides, snowman making, and just walks through the pretty scenery.

  7. We got enough here in Georgia too. My 3 year old had a blast playing in the snow for the first time ever. He didn’t care for the gloves but wanted them once he realized the snow was SUPER cold! 🙂

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