snow day!
It was predicted that we would get snow overnight. Originally, we were going to get a few inches. Then forecasters backed off and we were just going to get rain.
Thankfully, we woke up to at least an inch of snow. I was working from home today, so after the kiddo was dressed and had eaten breakfast, I took him outside for a few minutes. (I took him to daycare shortly after.)
Here he is in his snowsuit. I bought this on consignment last year, and this is the first time it’s been used. He couldn’t move. It was pretty funny watching him waddle around.
Again, thankfully, I took him early because by 10:15, the snow was gone.
Finally, I just love this photo.
Are you over winter? Any snow in your area today? And does it melt within hours of falling?
hurrah for snow!!!!! 🙂
Looks like we just missed the real snow. It only came down in flurries on the Saturday we were in town. Not that I’d mind being stuck in Asheville! 😉
Totally over winter but so glad L got to play in some snow. Every kid should get to do that.