so much to do.
It’s definitely Monday.
Got the sites back up (and I’m in the early stages of moving them.) I’ll keep my blog here, though, until I decide it can once again be hosted on it’s own domain. Same with my brother’s blog – he might be going to blogspot soon, just so there isn’t a break in his blog postings.
The house? Well, there’s an update. We heard back regarding the repairs and have been given two options on how to deal with it. I haven’t talked everything through with the husband, and I feel he should have a say before I get into any explanations in the cyber-world. (Look at me! Thinking before typing!) I should have another update, but we are moving forward…slowly.
Work is doing another round of layoffs, and I found out today that I’m safe…for this round. Yep. That’s just what everyone wants to hear the week after they go under contract on a house and less than two months before the holiday season. Sweet.
The boys meet for book club tonight, so it looks like I’ll have some free time on my hands. I may put some stuff up on etsy. Look for it later tonight.
Gossip Girl is all new tonight, so I either need to work early or work late.
Tomorrow is Election Day! I go into work a little later (8 a.m.) and I am scheduled to work a 12 hour shift. I’m kind of excited. I’m also making a cake in honor of election day. Photos will definitely be posted.
Have you seen April’s blog? She did a pretty sweet roundup of our NKOTB excursion. I listened to the guys all day at work. I heart NKOTB š
Alright. Heading out. Gotta meet Kenny at the credit union to sign papers…
All I can say is your hotel room was very lavish, so jealous!
The hotel was a HUGE perk! I couldn’t believe we scored such a great deal!