so. not. cool.
It’s 8:17 p.m. and all I have wanted to do for the last two hours is go to bed.
We met up with Todd and Susanna this evening for dinner. Usual Suspects. I’m not a huge fan of the restaurant, but we’ve managed to eat there three times in the last month. Very strange. It was good to see Todd & Susanna because we’ve missed them. We last saw them on October 20. Sad. They got married in August. And, now that we missed them for 6 months, we’re making up for lost time. We have plans for two more get-togethers in the next two weeks…including the Ingrid Michaelson concert.
I shouldn’t even be mentioning Ingrid under this blog post. She’s way cool. I get to talk to her tomorrow. That freaking rocks 🙂
Til then…this girl has to go to bed. Early day tomorrow, and Kate Nash kept me up late last night. Hope everyone is having an eventful week.