Weekend twist. {week 100} #SOC #blogging
This is my 100th Stream of Consciousness post. So many!
I had very few plans this weekend. A friend was going to come by to meet the baby. We were going to have a little family time Saturday afternoon/evening. Low-key Sunday.
My mom slipped and broke her ankle first thing Saturday morning, leaving all plans on hold. And ohhhh, putting a dent in all summer plans. The baby was a trooper and endured trips to the Urgent Care and the ER. My mom is thankfully home and on the mend following surgery. Now we hope she can heal quickly.
So. Summer. Can you believe that summer is kind of here? My boy’s last day of preschool is Wednesday and then he’ll do part-time summer “camp” through his school. I’m hoping that we can get him into swim lessons this month, and make the pool a big part of our summer. I also hope this summer allows him to master his bicycle. He’s so close, but lacks a little bit of confidence.
We’ve had a very humid and wet weekend. I need a little bit cooler temperatures and sunshine soon so I can enjoy the outside.
And less injuries. We don’t need any more injuries. Surely someone can make that happen.
oh no! Io hope your mom heals quickly!