Find your kind and caring heart {week 101} #SOC #blogging #freewriting

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I failed at posting over the weekend. Just five minutes of free writing, and I never picked up my laptop on Saturday. Sunday I didn’t have the words following everything that happened in Orlando. I’ve been thinking about it a lot (how can you not think about it? It’s all over the news and social media. It’s hard to escape.) So. Just because I don’t address things in this space or social media immediately, doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about them. 

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

As I sat in a concert hall on Sunday night, I thought that something similar could have happened in that small venue. It seems there is no rhyme or reason as to why all of these horrible acts of violence are taking place, and it makes me more sad for the kids we’re bringing up in this world. I don’t want to watch the news or read the newspapers, for fear of my 4-year-old picking up on something. He’s just a little boy. I know he’s still very sheltered and naive, but isn’t that how his life should be right now? 

Violence in general is becoming all too common. Gone are the days that kids can just hang out at the mall, without fear that something awful is going to happen. I’m sure the people who went dancing over the weekend weren’t expecting to lose their lives. They were just trying to have a good time – something we’ve all been guilty of doing. (I mean, it’s been a few years since I’ve gone dancing or to a club, but I never would have anticipated NOT going home that night.) 

When did we become ok with all of this violence? It’s maddening. 

I was at my mom’s earlier and tonight on the national news, there was a video clip of a police officer kicking a man in the head (the man was on the ground.) The clip was played more than once and it was horrifying. Thankfully, my son didn’t catch on to what was playing on the television (for once, he was focusing on his dinner.) How am I supposed to explain to my son what the officer was doing? I don’t want him to be afraid of the police. I want him to know that these people are supposed to protect us. 

My son’s preschool teaches him to have a kind and caring heart. I wish more adults had kind and caring hearts. 

If you haven’t seen Lin-Manuel Miranda’s acceptance speech at the Tony Awards on Sunday night, google it. I love this: 

We lived through times when hate and fear seemed stronger;
We rise and fall and light from dying embers, remembrances that hope and love last longer
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.

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