Enough. {week 104} #SOC #blogging

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It’s been a long weekend, yet too short. 

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

I’ve had enough of the violence in the world. I wanted to enjoy my last few days at home with my family, so I’m trying to stay away from the news (and therefore, most social media.) It doesn’t mean I’m ignoring current events. But the mindless deaths make my heart hurt.

We’ve kept our son away from most of the news (he’s 4.) He’s a little more sheltered than some, but wouldn’t it be nice to live that way? To think that everyone was treated with kindness and love and respect? 

I’ll be at work in less than 12 hours. My mom is helping with the baby part of the day, as is my grandma. It really does take a village, it seems.

I need to figure out just what I have to take to work – there’s so many new logistics to figure out (like where/when I have to pump so I can continue to feed the baby!) Milk is thawing on my counter as I type. Clothes are laid out for the morning. I have no idea how long it will take me to get the three of us out the door. (I should probably be sleeping and not writing, I guess.) 

We’ve really packed in as much as we could into the weekend. My son’s favorite part may have been picking blueberries. Lucky for him, there are plenty more blueberries to be picked and we have full access to the bushes in my mom’s yard. 

And that’s been my weekend. Worrying about current events, stressing over going back to work and ignoring the world as my boy and I race to pick the most blueberries. 

I want more blueberry picking. Less of the other stuff. 


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