Stream of Consciousness – week 27 #SOCWeekend #blogging #freewriting

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My 3-year-old keeps skipping naps this week at daycare. He’s attended two days and didn’t sleep either day. It’s been rough.

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

I at least had a warning Friday that he hadn’t slept. I received a text with a heads up and when I asked if he had at least been good during the day, I didn’t receive a response. I should have taken that as another heads up. A warning that my boy was out of sorts.

I’ve really enjoyed winter break. We’ve had a lot of quality family time, fun travels, a good Christmas. I even sorted through 3 years worth of baby/toddler clothing (in one day….while the boy didn’t sleep at daycare.) I feel like I’ve accomplished something. I really don’t want to head back to work on Monday, but I’m ready to get our schedules back on track.

Cleaning the garage was one of my 2014 resolutions that I never quite followed through on. Well, I followed through on January 2, 2015. It was a chore. And that was just the boy’s clothes.

I’m hesitant to give away ALL of the baby things, however I have this nagging feeling that we’re done. If I knew that we were 100% only going to be a family of 3, then my choices would be easier. Sell/donate all of the baby things. I just don’t have that 100% confirmation and it makes planning hard.

Do you like how my thoughts just shifted? It’s been a dilemma for me this break. All types of thoughts and they just lead to even more random thoughts.

Oh, and hey, I edited the SOC image and even made it an embeddable code. I hope you’ll link up (and feel free to use the code!) Would love to read your posts.

Welcome back to another week of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This is the time where I spend 5 minutes free writing. I usually post this for Saturday morning, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. It’s totally fine.

Want to participate? The rules….

1. Set a timer for five minutes. (Or keep tabs with your computer’s clock.)

2. Write freely. Any topic. Whatever is on your mind. It doesn’t even have to be completely cohesive.

3. Tag on social media with #SOCSaturday or #SOCSunday and link up below. You have all day Saturday and Sunday to join the link up. It closes Monday morning.

4. Click around and give some comment/blog love.

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  1. Nap-skipping days are so hard! He’ll get back into his routine. When my boys did/do that, I just continue with the routine every single day, and eventually, they get back into it. I love, love the grab button. Good job in creating it! I’m excited about getting back into a routine as well, although I will certainly miss quality family time.

  2. Nice new button! 🙂 It is get back to routine, I agree. As for when a family is done, I have no idea…we knew after number 2 beyond a doubt. But I am not sure that is the case for everyone. xo and Happy New Year!

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