Stream of Consciousness – week 31 #SOCWeekend #blogging #freewriting
We had a dusting of snow yesterday when we woke up. It was enough to close schools. I went in to wake Lucas and he asked me not to open his curtains. He finally looked outside. I told him I needed to show him something.
L: “Snow? Can I play in it?”
Me: “If there’s snow on the ground when we get home, you can play in it.”
My husband was taking him to daycare so I had a somewhat chance of getting to work at a reasonable time. Our neighborhood was dicey, but the rest of the roads were fine. Of course, the sun came out, the temperatures rose and the snow melted away.
(That photo was taken a year and two days ago.)
We cannot get a decent snow this year! Yesterday was the first day schools had closed this winter, and normally by now we’ve had two or three snow days. My poor boy just wants to play in the snow.
The forecast is strong for snow on Monday. And I’ve made the executive decision to take the day off (or at least a half day) if we get something decent.
The boy deserves snow.
Are you in a snowy area? Are you sick of it yet? What would you do with a snow day?
Welcome back to another week of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This is the time where I spend 5 minutes free writing. I usually post this for Saturday morning, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. It’s totally fine.
Want to participate? The rules….
1. Set a timer for five minutes. (Or keep tabs with your computer’s clock.)
2. Write freely. Any topic. Whatever is on your mind. It doesn’t even have to be completely cohesive.
3. Tag on social media with #SOCSaturday or #SOCSunday and link up below. You have all day Saturday and Sunday to join the link up. It closes Monday morning.
4. Click around and give some comment/blog love.
I live in northwest Indiana and you’d think we would have snow. Not much so far this year, but I have my fingers crossed for this weekend. They are saying Winter Storm Linus is going to bring us 12 to 18 inches. I’ll believe it when I see it, but cross country skiing or hiking at the dunes is what I will do if it happens.
I’m still holding out for something that will stick to the ground!!
It’s so true! I can’t stand these little piddly snows. I want a big beautiful snow that traps us inside at least for one day. I want to go sledding now that Case actually wants to. Grrr…Maybe soon, but our time is running is out. Sigh.
I know! I’m sad. And I can’t believe schools got out early today. This winter kind of bites.
PLEASE send snow this way. We have had about 5 fat snowflakes fall on hot ground then melt away instantly. It is so sad! My boys are dying for some.
My poor boy. I came home early today because we had lots of snow on campus….but there is nothing in our yard.
We got pounded in Iowa over the weekend. 10″ was last I heard before the winds picked up & the remaining became impossible to appropriately measure. no school today but a quiet day around here-surprisingly.
I’m crazy jealous of you. 🙂
we haven’t gotten any decent snow either. pretty for a moment then gone in a poof!