Stream of Consciousness – week 37 #SOCWeekend #blogging #freewriting

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Sometimes I have a hard time remembering my life before child, husband and house. And cat.

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

Life was a little more carefree. A lot lighter. (Oh how I was much lighter.) I had time to waste – and waste it, I did. It was full of concerts and friends and travel. I read a lot of magazines. I subscribe to a lot of magazines now, but it’s been months since I’ve read one. (I keep them stacked in my bedroom, in the off chance I’ll read one.)

I could sleep in on the weekend or wake up super early to meet friends for a long run if I chose. And if I went for that long run, I could nap in the afternoon if I desired.

My weekends now involve wrangling the toddler back to his bed if it’s before 7 a.m. Bedtime is often a challenge (such as last night when I let him stay up a few minutes late thinking he could handle it. Spoiler alert: He couldn’t hang until 7:50.)

I love life as it is, but there are weekends when I wish I’d taken full advantage of the lazy weekends.

Lazy Saturday mornings. Oh how I miss the lazy Saturday mornings.

And that’s where I am this weekend. I hope you’re able to enjoy a lazy weekend. (The boy and I will be living it up – hopefully outside – as my husband is traveling. Solo parenting for the win!)

Want to participate? The rules….

1. Set a timer for five minutes. (Or keep tabs with your computer’s clock.)

2. Write freely. Any topic. Whatever is on your mind. It doesn’t even have to be completely cohesive.

3. Tag on social media with #SOCSaturday or #SOCSunday and link up below. You have all day Saturday and Sunday to join the link up. It closes Monday morning.

4. Click around and give some comment/blog love.

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