Stream of Consciousness – week 39 #SOCWeekend #blogging #freewriting
Where did spring go? Seriously, it’s been just a few days since spring arrived and we’ve seen snow flurries overnight.
Not cool, spring. Not cool. (Actually, downright frigid.)
I had to cover my spinach, lettuce and kale. The seeds are all sprouting and I didn’t want them to freeze right off. This is the first time I’ve planted anything this early, so I’m hoping I can keep them alive.
I’m really excited about gardening this spring and summer. I really want to get back to eating more organic foods, fewer processed foods. I want to visit our tailgate market on a weekly basis. We stopped going for some reason (I think our son was getting out of hand and schedules were hard to deal with.)
Last year, my mom had a lot of blueberries and it was fun watching Lucas pick them and eat so many blueberries. (The summer before he wouldn’t even touch blueberries.) I’ve found that he loves raw vegetables, but not cooked ones. And if he can pick the vegetables or fruits himself, he’s a happier kid. In a few weeks, I hope to get him in the garden with me and teach him about gardening. We may have to set up his own little box garden this spring.
So, spring. I need you to come back. Quickly.
Seriously! I talked about the weather in my SOC post too. Grrrr…Will have to share thoughts and ideas about gardening this year. We’re always grown cucumbers and tomatoes, but I think we’re going to grow a few more things this year. Stay warm!
This weather isn’t even for the birds!
And, yes, let’s talk gardening. I’ve been growing vegetables of sorts since 2000, when I graduated. Every year I try something new!
Yes! I want to do this, too. I want the life where I grow things myself and eat more organic and visit the Farmers Market. YES!
And it appears our farmers market that happens a half mile from our house may not happen this year. 🙁 Super sad face.
crap. i pre-scheduled mine again but forgot to post it.
hope your crops survived the frost!