Stream of Consciousness – week 42 #SOCWeekend #blogging #freewriting
Well, this is a little late today. Sometimes I pre-write these posts. Sometimes I write them on Saturday morning. This week, I was trying to overcome my constant state of being busy, and this was pushed to the back burner.
I ran 10 miles this morning with my friend, Suzanne. She and I have trained for races together in the past, but she’s not training for a long race right now. How cool is it that she would run with me today?
10 miles is no joke.
My clothes chafed me a lot today. Even part of one of my arms is chafed. The pain is unreal.
My boy went through four outfits today – not including his pajamas this morning or this evening. That’s what kind of day we had. Dirty. Fun. Filled with friends, but not too many friends.
We had plenty of downtime and I tried not to rush him (or me) between activities. We just went with the flow. Even when he melted down at dinner time because he didn’t want pizza. He wanted bread and butter.
Three is a tough age, y’all.
So it hasn’t been a crazy busy day. It’s been a fun day. We may not have done all of the yard work or the house cleaning, but there’s still time for those things the rest of this week, right?
i chaffed on my marathon. for the first time, ever. at least significantly. ouch.