Stream of Consciousness: Documenting. End of Summer. {week 58} #SOC #blogging #freewriting

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I feel like summer barely started, and now we’re just a couple weeks away from Labor Day – the unofficial end of summer. We’ve done a lot, but not *everything* we had aimed to do this summer.

I guess there’s always next summer.

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

On a whim about a week or two ago, I ordered Ali Edwards’ Week in the Life kit. I’ll be documenting my family’s daily life next week and scrapbooking it. I’m excited. I’m hoping this is the kick in the pants that I need to jumpstart my scrapbooking endeavors again. I was old-school scrapbooking our wedding several years ago. I think I got about 65% of the way through it, and just stopped.

I started a Project Life book for my Hawaii trip, and then I stopped. All of this momentum builds and then I hit a wall and I don’t know if it’s a wall of lack of time, or a creativity wall.

Sometimes it’s hard to be creative, you know? I get that a lot at work. “Oh, you’re creative. This will take no time to do XYZ.” And then it takes me days or weeks.

Creativity isn’t always free-flowing, and that’s ok.

For the past year, I’ve been limiting this link-up to just weekends (and early week.) I’m going to try leaving it open through next Friday night. I hope you’ll link up! 5 minutes of your thoughts. šŸ™‚

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  1. i loved her kits!! I wish I had gotten one, but I have so much stash, I really have no excuse to šŸ™‚ I am also documenting but I started yesterday so I can include my trip to the State Fair w/my mom & then a concert last night w/my SIL –hehehe– this is our last week of summer vacay so lots of ‘lasts’ happening to document along with the normal daily goods. You must share yours as you work on it!

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