Stream of Consciousness: Doctors, sleep and DST {week 69} #SOC #freewriting #blogging
It’s been a week.
I’ve seen my fair share of doctor and dentist offices this week with more in our future and oh how I hate that. (So expensive. Some of it is so unnecessary.)
Lucas slept through two nights this week. Thursday may have been the worst with awake time over 2 hours. I’m not sure what’s going on with that kid, but I fear falling back this weekend. Falling back is terrifying as a parent. It messes the kids up so much. (Making him stay awake later doesn’t do anything but exhaust him and he wakes at his “normal” time because his internal clock is awesome like that.)
Today we’ve promised him that we’d go to the church fall festival followed by trick or treating. I have a route in my head that will be more than a mile round trip, and I plan on having him walk the entire way. If you can’t beat them at the sleep game…exhaust them.
Sometime today I’m going to run my virtual 5k. Probably at the gym this morning. We’ll see how our day takes us. (Kenny is running a “real” race so we are limited in trading off the boy for exercise.)
Let’s get this day started! What are you doing this weekend?