Stream of Consciousness: it starts with a “very good day” {week 76} #SOC #blogging #freewriting

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I picked up our boy from preschool yesterday. He’s been counting down this school days and how many “stay at home” days he’s going to have. (He’ll have 9. They’re closed next week.) He’s been very excited.

I think we all needed this break. (Also? These breaks are definitely a perk of working in higher education.)

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

When I got him in his car seat, I asked him if he wanted pizza for dinner. We have a plethora of pizza places – local and chains – around us, and he said, “Yes! Do you remember the time we got pizza and crazy bread? Let’s do that again!” He was referring to Little Caesars, and I told him we could do that as long as he could be really good for me. The place close to us has a busy parking lot and is on a very high traffic road.

He told me, “oh, I will. I had a very good day!”

That very good day turned into eating pizza while watching a cartoon version of Oz and then visiting Target to get much-needed batteries.

We ignored bed time, read A Charlie Brown Christmas (affiliate link), skipped rocking in the chair because it was so late, but I stayed longer to rub his back – something new he has picked up in the past 6 weeks.

I couldn’t be upset when he climbed in our bed at 6:30 this morning, despite his clock not being green. Oh how I long for the days I can sleep until 7.

It started with his very good day, and I can only hope we have many very good days over this break.

Unrelated, but self-promoting plug: I’m giving away a copy of the book I reviewed last weekend. Never Will I Ever is a collection of stories that I relate to oh-so-well. Enter to win, and if you aren’t a parent, you can give it to someone you know. šŸ˜‰

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