Saturday morning. More snow. {week 84} #SOC #blogging #freewriting
We woke to more snow on the ground. There was a 50% chance last night that we’d have a dusting, and I guess that chance was in our favor…though it was more than a dusting.
The boy is reading books with his LeapReader (I can’t recommend the LeapReader pen (<–affiliate link) enough for your kids. Lucas loves his, it doesn’t change his mood as drastically as the iPad can, and the books are fun with games and reading.
My mom and I went to Wee Trade last night – a huge consignment sale in our area. The sale starts today, but since I consign, I was given the passes to shop early…and the lines were still crazy long. It was overwhelming, but we managed to find some summer clothes for the boy, a couple of outfits for the baby girl, and three non-clothing items. I think I much prefer consigning than shopping. (Plus, I’ve checked my earnings just from the presale and I’ve made almost as much on what I’ve sold as I spent last night.)
This week, the Disney Collection by Jamberry launched and I’m excited to see what else they come up with. They’re SO pretty (and I’ve ordered a few) and I can’t wait to try them soon!
We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day tonight. I’m hoping the roads are cleared soon. I don’t want a repeat 4 days stuck in my house (and we’re expecting more winter weather Sunday night into Monday.)
My mom has been working on Lucas’ new room and I can’t believe how good it looks – though she’s tired of looking at all of the blue paint in our house. Our kitchen, bathroom, nursery and now Lucas’ room are all blue. I think once the baby is here, we can change out one of the blue rooms (the kitchen, I hope) and the nursery will be a gray soon, not blue. But she’s right. When someone allows me to choose paint colors, I immediately go to blue. (In my defense, they’re all different shades, and our master bedroom is a light green.)
Here’s to a little bit warmer weather, sunshine and clear roads. What are you doing this weekend?
We got snow too…again. I’m over it. So ready for spring! I know you are all super excited about Lucas’s room. Yay!
y’all have had a lot more snow than us, but the park road were closed yesterday. we had to hike an additional 3.4 miles to get to the trail.