Meal planning and nesting {week 87} #SOC #blogging

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I did some of our grocery shopping last night and I found a super deal on chicken, so I bought 4 packs of chicken breasts – and now I want to make all the freezer meals. I think that sounds normal for almost 34 weeks pregnant. If you’ve made freezer meals before, what do you recommend I try? I want to have meals for a few weeks when the baby arrives. (Even though I know we’ll also have people delivering meals. I’m just trying to make this as easy as possible for May/June.)

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

My friends are throwing a small shower/get together tomorrow for baby girl. It’s going to be some of my favorite people gathered together for pizza and beer (or root beer in my case.) I’m excited to see everyone. These ladies are definitely not the ones I wrote about last week.

Our boy has been in his new room for a week and he appears to be adjusting well. I need to decorate the walls still. That will come, I’m sure. But he’s moved in, he’s sleeping, and bed time hasn’t been awful.

Even the cat loves his new room. She was not loving having no guest room for the weeks that the bed and bookcase were missing. (She loved sleeping on the bed, or jumping on the bookcase to look out the window.) I can find her every evening on the boy’s new bed, and I’ve spotted her in the window a couple of times. We’re all adjusting.

Today I’m determined to get the boy’s hair cut and more of the nursery cleared out so we can paint it. The nursery shouldn’t be as much of an ordeal. The furniture is staying the same. We need to paint, hang the new curtains and put her clothes in the dresser. Her books are already in her room (we had the boy help us sort through what would be left in that room.) I’m just ready to have things in their places.

And can we just discuss the weather for a minute? It’s going to be close to 60 this weekend and then high 60s and 70 next week. Is it too early to declare spring has arrived? I sure hope not.

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