Life and egg hunts {week 90} #SOC #freewriting #blogging

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I almost slept 7 hours last night. I may come out of this zombie state sometime in this lifetime. Maybe even in the next year! We shall see.

Stream of Consciousness - free writing.

I think I could use a 3-day weekend every week. I was off yesterday for Good Friday, which worked out well since the boy’s preschool was closed. While I didn’t get too much accomplished around the house, the day wasn’t extremely stressful. I could use an entire day, though, to finish laundry and dishes and the list goes on….

We’re going to attempt the city’s Easter egg hunt this afternoon. They have designated times for age groups to do the egg hunt, and there are 3 times per age group. This could be really amazing or really awful. I’m hoping it’s an amazing experience for the 4-year-old.

I’m trying to wrap up a few freelance sites in the next week or two. I need to wrap these up so I don’t have work hanging over my head. Oh and taxes. I have to get our taxes submitted. (We owe federal so I’ve been dragging my feet for weeks.)

Of course, I also want us to get outside as much as possible now that the temperatures are consistently in the 60s and 70s. I may even need to convince the husband to mow our yard soon. It’s getting tall (and I missed the transition from brown to green. Our yard is green, once again!)

I hope your weekend is relaxing and fun…and that you aren’t having to deal with blizzard conditions (because I would be over it right now.)

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