Hospital stay. {week 95} #SOC #blogging #freewriting
As I sat down to free write this morning, a random number popped up on my phone. It was the hospital, requesting to do a survey. We’ve been talking about our stay a lot the past week and a half, so I was happy to answer this lady’s questions.
Something I didn’t really go into after the birth of our son was our hospital stay. I barely remember the second day we were there, and we checked out the third day. (The first day was spent in labor, then in the operating room, followed by a sleepless night when I reacted poorly to all of the meds from the surgery.) I do recall a nurse coming in and asking if we’d like her to take our son for a couple of hours while we slept…and that’s about it until the day we checked out.
I remember everything about our stay two weeks ago. We had a plan for when the baby was born, making sure our son was the first family member to meet her. I was looking forward to the quiet hours every afternoon, and I knew I didn’t want to rush out of the hospital. (We stayed three nights, instead of two like last time.) There is only one nurse’s name I can’t remember, which is upsetting to me because she was the best. I loved all of our nurses and the level of care we received was amazing.
(Our view was amazing – as was the sunlight that streamed into our room every morning.)
I miss pressing a button in the middle of the night and having pain meds or a Popsicle brought to my room. Now I have to walk to my kitchen, and what’s the fun in that? On the other hand, my bed is way more comfortable than their brand new hospital beds. Oy. That bed made my back ache.
I didn’t remember that the second night is usually the worst when it comes to a newborn in the hospital. They’re just waking up and the cluster feeding is INTENSE. That second day, baby girl nursed every hour from 2 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. when the nurse was able to take her for over an hour so I could nap. The nurses called it “second nighting.” I had no idea.
I know a lot of hospitals don’t have the best reputations. I’m just glad I live in an area where our hospital is top notch. I’m thankful I don’t have to frequent the hospital, but when I do, I know I’m in good hands.