FREE Printable SOLAR SYSTEM BINGO Game (Fun Space & Planet Activity For Kids)

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Looking for a fun way to help your kids learn about the solar system at home? I have just what you need! This printable solar system bingo game will provide hours of entertainment and learning. Plus it is a great activity for homeschoolers that want to teach their kids about the solar system. The best part is, it’s FREE! Just download the PDF and follow the simple instructions to play this classic family favorite with your kids today.

I’ve been holding onto this set of Solar System Bingo printables for a while, and I’m not sure why. But when the state of North Carolina extended the stay at home order indefinitely, I remembered….I had a Bingo game we hadn’t played yet! 

Solar System Bingo - FREE Printable!

Solar System Bingo - free printables!

Since my kids are 5 years apart it is often challenging finding games they can play together. Bingo is just one of those games that is LOVED by all ages kids from 3 to 99 enjoy it and any chance I can find a game for them to play together, I’ll take it. I love that Bingo can be played with the parents, or I can set my kids free to play it and they don’t need a lot of help from me! It’s also a great way for kids to learn abour different things, like the solar system in a fun game format. Bingo is so versatile that it it’s a great teaching game for pretty much any subject.

What’s included In This Free Printable Solar System Bingo Set?

This Solar System bingo game (planet and star themed) includes 8 bingo cards, for up to 8 players or you can do multiple cards per player for a higher chance of bingo. You will also get a call card in your printable PDF packet.

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Supplies You’ll Need To Print & Set Up The Game

  1. Card Stock works best, but you can also use regular printer paper. Also, to keep the boards longer, you can laminate them. (I have this laminator that I bought 8 years ago and don’t use nearly enough!) In fact, if you laminate the boards, your kids can mark on them with a marker and it should wash right off. 
  2. Bingo markers – You can use small tokens, game pieces or figures to use as the markers.
Solar System Bingo - free printables!

How to Set Up The Game:

1. Download whichever PDF file you’d like to use and print the planet bingo playing cards as well as the call card. Cut out the call cards along the black line creating a pile. 

2. (Optional) Laminate the bingo game boards and the solar system call cards.

3. Give each player bingo markers to use.

How to Play Solar System Bingo

1. Set up the game.

Hand out the desired number of bingo cards to each player along with the markers.

Shuffle and place the planetary call cards face down in the center of the players.

2. The youngest player goes first by picking up the top call card  and showing the other players.

If you’re using this game for a space themed homeschool activity (and even if it’s just for fun) have your child identify the planet before setting down their bingo marker. 

3. After the planet has been identified and cards have been marked have your child place the called bingo card in a second pile with the card facing up.

4. It is then the next players turn. If there are more than two players go in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, whatever you prefer for taking turns.

5. Keep picking up cards and marking spaces on the solar system bingo board until someone wins.

In the event that all the call cards have been played and there still isn’t a winner, simple pick up the discard pile, shuffle and flip face down to continue playing until someone shouts bingo!

How to Win Solar System Bingo

The first person to get five planets or stars in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal line wins. 

If you’re using this game with older children you can make it a bit more challenging by implementing rules for each game play period. Like the first person to get all four corners wins, and even if they get 5 in a row it does not count. Or a diagonal only game, etc.

Ready to Download Your FREE Printable Bingo Game?

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It’s a fun little game! Let me know if your kids enjoy it!

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  1. Thanks so much. My granddaughters will love playing Planet Bingo! I looked all over for a solar system bingo game. This is fabulous!

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