some February randoms

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I can’t believe it’s been days almost a week since I last posted. I thought that I’d have all this time last week to blog, clean, craft, play with the baby….and I took care of the baby and cleaned a lot. Nothing else.

Thanks for the comments on the Baby Legs! I bought them on before Christmas. You can find them for girls, but the boys selection is pretty limited. They’ve come in handy and are so cute!

We’ve had a busy week, and it’s only Tuesday. The baby had to stay home from daycare today and tomorrow morning, so I’ve been getting some work done from home, while he plays in his exersaucer.


He didn’t seem to mind.

My half marathon running (I can’t really call it training) seems to be going well. I wasn’t even sore after my six miles on Friday!

We came up with last minute dinner plans for tonight, only to realize that the restaurant was closed on Tuesdays. The husband is now at another local place picking up food. Hopefully we’ll eat tonight. šŸ˜‰

I’ve done taxes for a couple of people this year, but have yet to finish ours. It’s sad, really.

I need to start putting myself first before certain people. I tend to let a few people in my life walk all over me. That’s about to stop.

I have things that have formed in my brain, but no time to get them out.

With that said, the kiddo is hungry.

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