Spring break adventures {2018}
My husband and son were on spring break last week. If you’ll recall, I had a short break a few weeks ago (two days.) It snowed and rained and wasn’t particularly pleasant during my break. So I painted our kitchen. 🙂 This was not the case last week, and I’m preparing you now for a photo overload…
We tried to do a little something for the break. We went to Lake Waccamaw late Saturday, but had to return home on Tuesday. Initially my husband and I thought we would take the kids to Carowinds on our way home, but it just didn’t work out this time. Our boy was sick the entire week before Easter and timing wasn’t on our side.
We visited with family we haven’t seen in quite some time on Easter, and the kids were able to hunt for Easter eggs (which my 6-year-old had a blast doing.) Naps were scarce, so bedtimes were on time, and my son actually fell asleep in the bathroom floor while brushing his teeth one night. (I have a video, but I’m not sure he would love for me to share it.) It’s unbelievable what he can sleep through!
We visited the Fort Fisher Aquarium, where they had a dinosaur exhibit. And it was pretty cool (even if it was a little scary for a not-quite 2-year-old.)
We told our son we would stop by the beach, which was one stop away from the aquarium. This might have been one of his favorite moments from the entire trip.
The kids did not sleep late until Wednesday morning – the day I had to get up early and go back to work. Such is life.
On our drive home, we stopped at a Discovery Center in Rockingham, NC which was followed by the worst Sonic experience in our history. The kid’s museum was fun, though. There was SO much to do for the kids, and we could have easily spent 3 hours there. Instead, we spent just under 2 hours before making our way towards home. The kids napped a little in the car.
We stopped outside of Charlotte and did a 1-mile hike, which my daughter loved and my son complained about every step of the way. They had their moments, though. My boy even met some friends who were fishing along this hike. I love that kids can make friends so easily sometimes. Things should be simple.
We finally made it home after 7pm. Traffic south of Asheville made this feel like the longest trip ever.
And one final photo just because. This is her “bunny face.”
We’re considering a pretty decent road trip this summer, but last Tuesday is making me reevaluate those plans – or invest in a portable DVD player with a dual monitor. (By the way, who here has a portable DVD player and do you like it? Our cars do not have them already installed.)