Staying hydrated with Hydrant #DrinkHydrant
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As many of you know, I’m a runner. I like other forms of exercise, but running is my jam. Despite all the miles I run, I don’t stay hydrated as I should. Even on days I’m not exercising as much, I find myself not staying hydrated enough, despite my best efforts. I’m definitely a work in progress, and right now I’m looking forward to trying Hydrant to help with my hydrating needs.
Hydrant is a mix that is a quick and effective way to get your water and stay hydrated. Hydrant’s unique ingredient blend allows you to absorb water more efficiently. While they offer a lemon flavor (which is so popular), I’m most excited to try the grapefruit.
Did you realize that you’re supposed to drink a gallon of water a day? It can be so hard for some to get that much water. And honestly I think plain water can be pretty boring. I need a little more to help entice me to drink more, and grapefruit is one of my favorite flavors for anything. (It also helps that grapefruit is one of my favorite fruits.) Hydrant is going to give your body the electrolytes your body needs without all of the fake stuff we get from other drink mixes.
And tell me, which do you prefer – lemon or grapefruit?