staying on track

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I clearly don’t read things thoroughly – or I’m just a procrastinator. Last week, the Shrinking Jeans site gave me the task to outline what I’m going to do to stay on track with my healthy ways. And here I am, 6 days later, and I still haven’t told anyone how I plan on staying accountable.

It’s December. That’s just about the most fattening month of the year, isn’t it? I think that makes maintaining a healthier lifestyle just that much more challenging. But I’m up for a challenge.

For starters, I didn’t hesitate on trying the new Weight Watchers plan this past weekend. I think today was my most successful day on the new plan, and I’m hoping to stick with WW for a while. It’s worked for me in the past, so why wouldn’t it work for me now? The people behind WW really know what they’re doing. I’m also going to try to get to a WW meeting every Saturday, with the exception of Christmas Day. Meetings do help.

Next, water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I’ve been good about this in recent months, and even better since I bought a new fancy (metal) pink water bottle. I bought my husband an orange one (to go with his orange car, orange iPod, orange laptop, orange cell phone cover….) With the fancy water bottles, it’s hard not to drink water all day long.

Finally, I’m switching up the exercise. I did the Jillian Michaels “No More Trouble Zones” workout last night. Jillian’s just about as smart as the Weight Watchers people. I have some serious soreness going on today. Between Jillian’s workouts, the Wii Fit, running and even biking, it’s going to be hard for me to get bored with working out. And the Wii Fit gets upset with me when I don’t sign on at least every other day. I’d hate to disappoint it.

There you have it. Weight Watchers, fancy pink water bottle and switching up the exercise. What are you doing to stay on track this month?

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